Liquid Art Photography

This unbelievable work is by Markus Reugels. The taking photos has taken him through their unassuming attractiveness into the magic charm. With every fire you do not understand what comes out. This is the cause that in this fascinating, but very specialized kind of taking photos that way. Shots with lenses in reverse place is also one of his preferences. Due to the farthest magnification, one can come to it, you can glimpse the small bugs with new eyes. He conceives that he will pursue with photography even farther this line. It gives him a lot of fun, the little things in life represent large. Maybe he open it some eyes, not just superficially to proceed through life, but furthermore times to gaze a little out-of-doors the carton and looking at the world through children's eyes. He was born in Schweinfurt in 1978 and he inhabits in Marktsteinach.

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